Thursday, February 14, 2008

Yay God!!

We received great news today at Dr. Barnett's office. The three cysts resolved themselves! We are able to start a new round of meds. Of course this means shots every night for at least a week but hopefully it will work this time. God does listen and answer prayers!

As I mentioned before, this is probably our last try at an IUI. We will meet with Dr. B and decide what to do next and when. Please pray for the following things over the next two weeks:

1) That God's plan will continue to be made clear to us. While we hope his plan has us getting pregnant this month we are well aware that our timing is not always his.

2) Knowlege for our medical staff as they guide us on this unpredictable journey.

3) Peace. This is a stressful month at work for both Joel and I. We have hardly spent time together this week and next week doesn't look promising either. We definately need some peace in the decisions we are making.

4) Finally, pray for all of our friends and family. Specifically that they are able to continue supporting us in small ways. We must keep in mind this journey not only affects us but all the people we come in contact with.

That's all for now. We are dosing up on the hormones this weekend and will go back on Monday for another sono to check things out. Until then, I appologize (especially to Joel) for anything irrational I say or do!