Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. ... By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
Hebrews 11:1,3 (NIV)

How awesome the quote of the day is one of the verses I have often clung to in this journey!

I have recently started two new devotionals. It never really dawned on me to look for devotionals focused on infertility until I was talking to Cathy (my co-worker) one day and she mentioned her devotional focused on battling cancer. It was like God hit me on the head and said "DUH!!". So thanks, Cathy, for the idea because I have found two really great resources.

In reading the devotionals this weekend, I came away with two key things. One, to give myself the right to say no to events and not feel guilty. I actually did this over the weekend and it felt great to make a decision that benefited me instead of one that would have stressed me out. It wasn't easy to not feel guilty but every time a negative thought came in my head I would push it out and move on. Needless to say, I feel great about my decision. Who knew!

The second idea I came away with, was letting people know specifically how they help you through the journey. I had the pleasure of spending an evening with a dear friend this weekend. We ate dinner with our husbands and then went back to their place for conversation and a board game. All I can say is it refreshed my soul to spend time with them. It was the first time in a while I truly laughed from my soul about our journey and just life in general. You see, my friend "gets it". This is some of what she understands:

my need to be treated the same as before I was "infertile".
my need to laugh, cry and yell all at the same time.
my need to be listened to.
my need to be angry at God in one breath and in the next praise Him for the journey.
my need to never be told "I know what you are going through".
my need to have choices about going and doing things that my be painful.
my need for a short note just saying, "You are on my heart lately".
my need for advise only if I ask for it.
my need to hear that this journey isn't fair, but here we are and we must make the best of it.
my need to laugh about all the stupid/hurtful things people say and do throughout the journey.

I never in a million years could do this journey without people like this. I thank God daily for placing me around such amazing supportive people. We are truly blessed!


H Noble said...

I read this yesterday but the site wouldn't let me comment. Anyway, you are a huge blessing to me and I am so thankful for your friendship. I'm so glad that you are walking closely with God and know that He hasn't forgotten you.
You did make me cry, and that's okay. :) I love you dear, and thank you.