Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A "Gentle" Reminder

Funny how God works. He has taken the opportunity this week to remind me that he is in control. Here's the story....

Sunday night: I'm very stressed out at the thought of final week for Special Events (India) at school combined with at least 3 dr appointments.

Monday morning: On my way to Dr. B's office I get about 2 miles from the house and get a flat tire. Never saw anything in the road but apparently there was a roofing nail. Call to Joel to come help me and call to the dr office to say I'd be there as soon as possible. In the meantime, I had to laugh at God's way of telling me to slow down...the week would be fine. Long story short, we had to call roadside assistance, I took Joel's car to the dr appt. and took 1/2 day off work. The appointment went well, two potential eggs on the left (in the lead) and three more on the right. Another appointment on Wednesday. Cool b/c that means probably another IUI on Saturday. Wrong!!

Wednesday morning: Go to appointment to learn that the follicle on the left (with the mass) really took off and is large enough to be released. I was surprised to say the least (because they decreased the meds to make sure I didn't grow too quickly). Guess I'm missing final day for special events. Oh well!

So we will go in Friday morning at 10:30 for our last IUI. We only have one egg (but one is all you need) so our prayer for Friday is that Joel's counts are high. Please pray for this as it increases our odds of getting pregnant. We then wait for two weeks and potentially find out if we are pregnant the day before we move. Don't good things tend to come in threes? No final day for India, move to a new house, become pregnant.....Hmmm.


H Noble said...

Isn't God funny that way? :) We will be praying for you and Joel tomorrow and everyday.
Love you,