Friday, February 22, 2008


Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
---Carl Sagan

This was our quote of the day on the other blog. I thought it fitting for today. As always we want to thank you all for the prayers. God is listening to each one. The IUI went well this morning. Joel's counts, while not normal, were improved from last month. Dr. B was pleased and said they were good for an IUI. We discussed this being our last IUI and decided to meet again if we are not pregnant. We have positive thoughts and will definately keep you all updated. Sorry for the short post but I'm off to lounge on the couch....


H Noble said...

I prayed for you guys all morning, and will continue to do so. Take it easy, even though I know you have a million things to take care of with the move. That stuff will all get done later.
Call if you need anything.
Love you!