Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mark 10:27

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."
Mark 10:27 (NIV)

This was the verse of the day today. It was also the day we confirmed we are not pregnant. Before you feel sorry for us, know that we have a great peace that God's plan is just unfulfilled. We actually are ready for a break from the doctor appointments and from having life revolve around what day of the month it is. God does know what's best for us and as much as we don't like it sometimes, it's hard to be truly upset. He has blessed us greatly with a new house, a bonus for Joel that will help pay for 2-3 IVF tries, and surrounded us with amazing, supportive people to share this journey with. So yes, with God all things are possible.


H Noble said...

Abbey, I'm sorry. I have been thinking about you like crazy and was wondering. You have a wonderful attitude, and are right to praise God for the blessings in your life. Doesn't make it easy though.
I'm so excited about your house, and can't wait to see it. And I'd love to see you soon!!
Call me if you have free time or need help with moving/settling in.

aimee said...

I'm sorry too. I'm excited about your new house though and I can't wait for more pictures. Hang in there...