Monday, October 20, 2008

Did you know??

Did you know infertility affects over 7 million people? Did you know that averages out to 1 in 6 couples? Did you know it not only affects those 7 million people but also their friends, families, co-workers, etc.? Did you know we will all be touched in one way or another by infertility? Think about it.

I have read many good books on this journey. One of them welcomed me to the "club" no one wants to be a part of. It made me think of all the times I wished to be part of this group or that group in my life only to find out that God had grander plans. I often think of what would happen if I had the option to opt out of the infertility club. Would I do it??

At first the answer seems easy. Of course I'd take off running as fast as I could and join the land of the "fertile". However, the more I think about it, the more I realize how much I'd be giving up to have not walked this journey.

Don't get me wrong. This journey stinks!! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But the reality is I'm here and I should make the best of it. I love that I have drawn closer to God, to my family, to my friends, and even to my co-workers. I have developed a new sense of openness with people. I love that Joel and I have a deeper sense of the "for better/for worse" part of our vows. I love that we are walking this road with so many people supporting and loving us. These are the perks of being on such a tough journey.

My goal for this week is to share information with you about infertility. I hope you will check back and continue to pray for and support all 7+ million of us along the road of infertility.