Saturday, October 25, 2008

What you can do

If someone you know is affected by infertility, you may wonder what you can do to support them. I found a really great article that offers suggestions. Please take time to read it.

I will say on a personal note, here are some of the worst things you can say:

"I know how you feel."---Trust me. Unless you've been on the exact same journey as me you have no idea.

"Do you have kids? Don't you know your parents want grand kids?"---Yes, this was really said to my face. Talk about really having to bite my tongue. Fortunately, our parents have been a HUGE support for us and have not pressured us AT ALL. In fact, they will be awesome grandparents when that day comes because of this journey. A thousand times better than the person who said this to me!

"You know to get pregnant you have to do...."---Seriously. I think we all know what needs to be done. Please stop try to educate me. I am probably more aware of the technicalities of getting pregnant than you are!

I could go on and on but you would probably stop reading. So to close on a positive not. Here are some of the best things you can say.

"I'm sending you a invitation to (baby shower, kids b-day, etc). Please know you don't have to come"---Odds are I'll probably show up, but to know that you understand how difficult it may be is priceless.

"Is there anything we can do while you are (taking shots, on bed rest, going to the Dr. 24/7, etc)?"---I'll probably say no, but you might catch me in a vulnerable I need some help phase. Just knowing that you understand the stress created by living around Dr. appointments helps us stay sane.

"We are having girls/guys night. Please come."---Sometimes this is the best escape. And no, I probably won't like questions about our journey on this night. But if I bring it up, indulge me!

And finally, one of the best things you can say:
"We are praying for you."---Sometimes that is all I need to hear. It helps me remember we are not on this journey alone and that people to care about us enough to remember us in their prayers.