Saturday, January 10, 2009

And I'm back

That's right, back into the swing of things. It has been so nice to take time off and not have to focus on doctors appointments or sending updates or infertility itself. That being said, it also feels really good to be back. I remember thinking in July that January seemed so far away, but it definitely snuck up on us!

We met with Dr. B in December and made our new plan for IVF. I got to stop taking the medicine for PCOS as we saw no noticeable difference. I was very excited to have one less thing to do. We agreed to try IVF again in February. I expect to go in for a sonogram next week to see if we can start shots again. On one hand, I'm very excited to begin, but on the other I know everything involved. It is a fine line to walk. The good news is that for this cycle we are changing the kind of estrogen I'll take so that means Joel will not have to give me shots!! One less painful thing to worry about.

I'll let you know more as everything plays out. We are hoping and praying for success this time but are staying focused on God's faithfulness and plan. Please continue to pray with us as we begin another journey. Specifically pray that we get a green light at the next sonogram to begin meds (ie: no cysts). As always, we cherish each one of you and are grateful for your support. God is good!


NANNY said...

Praying for your family plan!

Abbey said...

Thanks Nancy! Maybe you will be up for subbing in Feb. I'll let you know dates later. :)