Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Path

Our pastor is currently doing a sermon series on the 23rd Psalms. Last Sunday, it seemed as if the sermon was written just for us. The focus was on walking the path of the righteous with God. Our minister talked about how the shortest point between two lines is a straight path but that God often opts out of this path. He said God often takes the round-about way to our destination. This is how we feel about our infertility journey...taking the round-about way. Joel actually said we've taken the round-about-round-about-round-about way. While we know God is using this journey to teach us many things we can't help but wish that we would quickly reach our desired destination. Good things will come in His time.

Our current path includes starting Follistim shots tonight. We will continue Lupron shots in the morning and Follistim shots in the evening for four days. I will go in early Friday morning for a sonogram to see how the follicles are responding. We are on an ultra conservative dose of the meds based on my past history of hyper stimulation. Please pray that the meds do their job (just not too well) and that we will have 15-20 eggs for the retrieval next week.

I'll update again Friday after we know more. Until then, we will continue to enjoy this round-about journey to parenthood.


H Noble said...

Wow, what perfect timing to hear that! Its hard to go through something this hard and not understand why, but you know God's plans are much richer than ours. Hang in there dear, and try to enjoy the journey with Joel.