Thursday, October 15, 2009

1st Trimester

We have officially completed our first trimester!! I never thought I'd be saying those words and it feels great. We have our next ob appointment on Monday and will hopefully hear the heartbeat. It is really strange to only be going to the Dr. once a month after spending every day there for the last three years (or so it seems).

I'm still feeling great and am gaining back some energy. I'm seeing a huge difference in which clothes I can wear. Anything with elastic is my friend and I admit to donning a pair of maternity jeans. They were my saving grace for our Ohio trip and I would wear them every day if I could. :) Soon enough I'll be wearing maternity clothes all the time, but I'm still not quite there yet. Hopefully this weekend I'll get Joel to take my first official belly shot. If you are lucky I'll even share it with you.

Have a great week!


H Noble said...

Yea! We are rejoicing with you and are glad things are going so well. Don't be embarrassed to admit that your maternity jeans are your new best friend. :)

Can't wait to see you again and that little bump! Love you!

Rebekah said...

I love reading your daily baby updates- seeing what baby is developing today! And you look adorable!