Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Year....New Honesty

Here we are...entering a new phase of life. With the new year it only felt right to start a new blog. This is our journey. Some of you may be surprised to know we have been struggling with infertility. Others of you have been a huge support for us on this journey. It only seemed right to start the new year with a new degree of honesty. Our goal is not to offend anyone, but rather have a safe place to vent our frustrations of this whole process.

Why now?? Several reasons. First the last month has really been a struggle for me. We have encountered many unknowing people asking the questions, "When are you having kids? Why aren't you expecting yet? How long have you been married?...etc". While they mean well it is like a dagger in the heart to continually answer them. We have also encountered more than our share of friends announcing they are pregnant. Don't get us wrong. We are very excited for each and every one of them but again it is a blatant reminder of our struggle. We hope that by being honest, we can help people understand the needs we have and get some knowledge into our reactions.

As this journey continues, the plan is to keep you updated on our doctor visits, prayer requests, and daily struggles. We hope you are willing to support us but if not, we understand that too. Stay tuned for the story of our journey thus far and the many doctor appointments we anticipate in the next two weeks. Until then, please leave us comments and keep us in your prayers.


Rebekah said...

I am so proud of the two of you. What a blessing it will be to go through your struggles, at least in a way, and your blessings and rejoicing with you. You guys are so very special to me. I pray for you continually. And I can't wait to hold baby Cramer in my arms and pray over his or her life. Your faith and trust in our Savior is refreshing and encouraging. Know that I love and support you both. You are dear friends.

aimee said...

You are very brave in doing this and I commend you. What a great way to be honest and vent your frustrations. Of course, we will support you and pray for you two as you continue your journey.

H Noble said...

We love you both and continue to pray for you through this trial. You have been an amazing support to me and an inspiration as you trust God even in the hardest times.
Hang in there and know that He has not forgotten you.
Love you!

Traci said...

I can understand your frustrations and admire your honesty. I am so glad that you found a place to vent and share things that you two are going through. I have never asked because I didn't want to know the answer. I figured if you were going through something, you would tell us. We are praying for you and Joel and will support you both along the way!