Monday, January 28, 2008

Thankful for.....

Just a few things I'm thankful for lately.

1) No pain from the large cysts I developed. The nurse warned me this was very possible since the cysts were large. So far, so good. Hopefully they are shrinking since we are back on the pill for two weeks.

2) Awesome friends (and family) who continue to support and pray for us. You will never know how much each of you mean to us. Someday we will return the favor.

3) Forgiveness. This is a lesson I've had to learn (and practice) a lot lately especially when people say things without thinking. I've learned to step back, take a deep breath, and forgive them. And no, it's not always easy or immediate but I do eventually get there because I've learned if I don't bitterness sets in and I don't like the person that makes me.

4) God's promises that he will never leave us and he will have a plan better than anything we can imagine. I ran across a quote from Mother Teresa the other day and it has stuck with me. "God won't give me more than I can handle...I just wish He didn't trust me so much!"

What are you thankful for? I'd love to know.


H Noble said...

Good quote from Mother Theresa! And the comments, even well-meaning, hurt so much. I hope that hasn't been me, but if so, please forgive me. I love you! Hang in there!!

aimee said...

Oh, Abbey. I think you are so strong and brave and I while I have no idea how you feel because I've never been through the pain of waiting, I hope you know I pray and feel for you. God is preparing you for something really special, I just know it. You are awesome and I'm thankful that you are getting through this the best way you know how. I'm thankful for your attitude about things and I'm thankful to know you.