Yeah for being off bed rest. I felt like I was confined for a week (actually that is pretty much true with all the hyper stimulation). I'm excited to head back to work after a week off and am looking forward to the next week moving quickly. We go for a pregnancy test next Wed. (Mar. 4th) so keep praying with us for positive results.
The transfer went well. We placed two high quality embryos and everyone seemed pleased with their quality. Hopefully that is a good sign. Dr. B even commented to Joel that he didn't expect to see us there and had expected to be freezing the embryos while I healed from the hyper stimulation. You see, God is already working in fantastic ways and listening to our prayers.
Unfortunately we had no embryos to freeze as they didn't grow enough to meet the criteria. While it is extremely frustrating, we must trust that God has a bigger plan for us.
Words will never express how grateful we are for each of you and the prayers sent up on our behalf. We love and cherish each one of you. Praise be to God!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
And I'm Back
Shared by Abbey at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Praise Be to God
We are doing the transfer on Monday at 12:30!! God is so good. He has truly walked this path with us. I am still swollen from the fluid but it improves every day. After talking to Dr. B he was amazed at how well I'm doing. It can only be attributed to all the prayers going up on our behalf (and maybe some of my stubborness). This will be the last you hear from me until I'm off of bedrest since my laptop is at school for the children. Thank you all for the continued prayers and support.
Shared by Abbey at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Prayers Please
We have talked to the lab today and are thrilled with the results. They are better than last time so we are hopeful that we will have embryos to freeze. We are still unsure whether we will do the transfer on Monday. We are waiting to hear from Dr. Barnett. I am hopeful we will go ahead, but feel I must trust his decision as to what is best.
The update from the lab on Friday told us they fertilized 41 of the eggs and had 21 embryos develop. Today we were told that 3 of those are excellent, 6 are good, 7 are average, 4 are poor and 1 is very poor. As I mentioned, we are hopeul that the 16 at or above average will continue to thrive and will be viable enough to freeze.
Please join us in this prayer and well as us getting the go ahead for a transfer on Monday. We are in awe at what God has done already and feel blessed that so many of you are sharing this journey with us. Until we have more news....may God bless you as He has blessed us.
Shared by Abbey at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
49....The day after
Yes you read that right. 49 eggs is what they got yesterday. We are waiting to hear from the lab today how many of those fertilized. As was pointed out frequently, I'm an egg producing machine. However, because of the high number, my estrogen levels are at what is considered dangerously high. If they don't come down, we will not be doing the transfer on Monday. We will instead freeze the embryos and wait for my body to heal. Our prayers are that this will not happen. Other than mild pain and bloating, I have no symptoms related to hyper stimulation. Please pray with us that we are able to do a transfer on Monday and that we have embryos left to freeze.
Shared by Abbey at 7:04 AM 1 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Go Time---Updated
Update: We are set for Wednesday at 8:15. My estrogen levels are still high and my lining is thin. This is a concern but we are taking measures to hopefully resolve it. Specific prayers include: for my levels to balance out, for the lining to thicken, and for the procedure to go smoothly. We will have plenty of eggs again so that is not a concern at the moment. I'll update you all as I feel like after the procedure.
It is looking like Wednesday will be the day for retrieval. Please pray for Dr. Barnett and the medical staff as well as for a smooth procedure. Also please pray for us. My estrogen levels are high again and I'm already experiencing discomfort from the fluid around my follicles. Please pray that this will resolve itself quickly. Trust me when I say Wednesday cannot come soon enough. If anything changes at my appointment in the morning I'll let you all know. Until then, thanks and God bless!
Shared by Abbey at 7:13 PM 3 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Quick Update
We have started the Follistim shots as of today. Man, I forgot how much I hate this!! All for a good cause though. We expect a week of doctor appointments and shots. It is looking like retrieval will take place sometime next week. I'll keep you updated as we learn more. Thanks for the continued prayers!
Shared by Abbey at 8:12 PM 1 comments