Thursday, February 19, 2009

49....The day after

Yes you read that right. 49 eggs is what they got yesterday. We are waiting to hear from the lab today how many of those fertilized. As was pointed out frequently, I'm an egg producing machine. However, because of the high number, my estrogen levels are at what is considered dangerously high. If they don't come down, we will not be doing the transfer on Monday. We will instead freeze the embryos and wait for my body to heal. Our prayers are that this will not happen. Other than mild pain and bloating, I have no symptoms related to hyper stimulation. Please pray with us that we are able to do a transfer on Monday and that we have embryos left to freeze.


TheLudlows said...

You are truly an egg machine! They only were able to retrieve 12 each time for me and only 7 were usable each time.
Praying that your levels go down quickly!!!