Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And I'm Back

Yeah for being off bed rest. I felt like I was confined for a week (actually that is pretty much true with all the hyper stimulation). I'm excited to head back to work after a week off and am looking forward to the next week moving quickly. We go for a pregnancy test next Wed. (Mar. 4th) so keep praying with us for positive results.

The transfer went well. We placed two high quality embryos and everyone seemed pleased with their quality. Hopefully that is a good sign. Dr. B even commented to Joel that he didn't expect to see us there and had expected to be freezing the embryos while I healed from the hyper stimulation. You see, God is already working in fantastic ways and listening to our prayers.

Unfortunately we had no embryos to freeze as they didn't grow enough to meet the criteria. While it is extremely frustrating, we must trust that God has a bigger plan for us.

Words will never express how grateful we are for each of you and the prayers sent up on our behalf. We love and cherish each one of you. Praise be to God!!