Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nursery Preview

Here are the long awaited pictures of her nursery. We were blessed by being able to accept a gently used crib and changing table from our friends Alan and Michelle. I love how it all came together! We didn't paint and decided to keep in gender neutral for the most part. After all, we still have our two frozen embryos that may not be girls. :)

Her crib and bedding. There will be a big white board with the saying "You are our dream come true." We are just waiting for Uncle Doug and Aunt Mindy to bring it from TN when they come visit in May. :)

The east wall of her room with access to the bathroom.

The rocker from my grandmother with quilts made by my other grandmother.

Her bookshelf with some of the cards from our showers.

The west wall in her room with the changing station. Note the valance my mom, grandma and I made over spring break with an extra crib skirt.

A close up of the wall decor with her sonogram pictures.

The diaper cake from the shower at Joel's work.

The diaper cake from the shower at my work.

Her closet. I think she has more clothes than I do!!

Two more signs to put up. The larger one goes above her closet and says "Miracles....believe in them." The smaller says "Baby...our blessing from above." These too are waiting for Uncle Doug's advise on the best way to safely hang them. ;)

Finally, here is proof that she is already taking up space in the kitchen. As Joel said, good thing we have some empty cabinets.


H Noble said...

Isn't it fun??? I was overwhelmed at all the stuff from our showers and didn't know how we would use or store it all, but we did. In fact, Eli's 2+ and we are still opening new things. What a blessing!

Looks like baby girl is ready to come to her big new home!

One tip, if those are original sono pictures in the frames, you might want to make color photocopies of them, b/c the originals will fade with time.

Love ya!