Sunday, November 18, 2012

The business of miracles

Last week, I attended a bible study with a friend and we did a lesson on Jesus and the feeding of 5000 and him walking on water. Through discussion one of the ladies said, "God is in the business of the absurd". That stuck with me and throughout this week I've been praying for an absurd miracle.

One problem with doing IVF so many times is knowing the odds of having quality embryos on day 5. After talking to the lab on Friday, I was fully convinced we would not be doing a transfer today. It did not look good at all.

We got a call this morning to come on in for a transfer that we had 2 decent looking embryos. I was shocked. We had to wait a bit (which is torturous with a full bladder) and by the time we got back for the transfer they were looking even better. Dr. B even commented several time that he didn't expect to see me based on the Friday report and that he was very pleased with how the embryos looked this morning.

Whatever happens this cycle is out of my control and has been the last five days. However, it's almost like I needed it to truly realize just how much I need God. I know he will carry us through whatever the outcome, but in the meantime I'm continuing to pray for the absurd. I hope you will join me too.


Carrie said...

His ways are not our ways. The absurd is a perfect thing to pray for!

Unknown said...

I'm praying for the absurd with you!!