Friday, June 6, 2008

The Countdown Begins

Well, school is out for the summer and I enjoyed my first day of summer vacation by waking up early to go to the doctor. Wahoo!

We had a good appointment. I'm responding well to the Follistim shots and we expect to have the ideal number of eggs (10-12) for retrieval. We go back on Sunday morning for another sonogram and will be planning the retrieval for next week. I'll keep you posted.

The shot are getting harder and harder to take as the higher doses cause me to bruise. I'm quickly running out of places on my abdomen to do shots but we are hoping to be done soon. They also lowered my dose for the next two days so hopefully that will help too. I'm ready to be done with this!!

We promise to keep you all updated as we will have lots of prayer requests over the next week or so. For now, please pray that we get through the remaining shots will little discomfort and that they continue to be effective. Thank you all for everything and check back on Sunday!


H Noble said...

Thanks for the update- hope sono this am was good. Still praying...