Sunday, June 15, 2008


Well, it had been a day of firsts. I had my first adventure back into "real" clothes and into town for lunch. It was nice to get out but even better to get home back into my "comfy" pants. I'm just not cut our for real clothes and extended periods of time yet. Maybe soon!

Yesterday also marked our first day of estrogen shots. These are the ones Joel has to give me. The good news is we survived!! Joel is such a trooper and I'm sure never thought this is what he signed up for in the "for worse" part of our vows. I'm sore today and am sporting a nice needle mark but as our nurse pointed's for a good cause.

We also talked to the lab this morning. Joel is celebrating his first Father's Day as the proud papa of 9 healthy embryos. He can't wait to brag about it either!! We learned the rating of the remaining embryos: 3 excellent, 1 good, 5 average, 2 poor, and 2 very poor. The ratings are based on how the cells are looking as they divide. Basically we are pleased to have the 9 at or above average. These are good numbers. Our prayer is that they continue to divide and are all still healthy and viable on Tuesday. Please join us in these prayers.

We also got our marching orders for Tuesday. We are to be at the hospital at 11:45 for our transfer at 12:45ish. It will take about 15 minutes for the transfer and then 1 hour of being flat on my back before we are released. Before the procedure, we will meet with Dr. Barnett and the embryologist to learn about the remaining embryo quality, determine how many embryos we are placing and to make any other needed decisions (such as freezing them). We are excited because Joel actually gets to go into the OR for this procedure. Imagine that....we are in the same room to make a baby!!

Please continue to pray for what God has in store for us. We hope this long road is winding to an end and we are embarking on another new journey to parenthood. We will continue to update you and I'm sure I will be attached to my laptop once the bedrest begins!!


aimee said...

Wow. That all sounds so amazing! I had to giggle when you said you both get to be in the same room to make a baby. That's good! :)

We'll be praying for you!!!

H Noble said...

Very good news! We've been crazy busy this weekend, but thinking about you all the time.

Please call me if you need me, and know you all are in my prayers!

H Noble said...

I wanted to call you this morning, but decided not to bother you. I hope you are okay, that all went well and we have great news soon! Praying for you guys, and can't wait for an update!