Friday, June 20, 2008


That's right. I'm free from the confines of the couch!! Yeah! What have I done you ask? I started off the adventure by convincing Joel to take me into town last night for ice cream. Yes, we had ice cream here, but I really needed to get out. It was great. Then this morning, Woody got sick all over the wood floor and so I got to clean up dog vomit. Fun stuff! Maybe he is just preparing me for what could come. And finally, I had time to scan the picture of the embryos. Everyone together now, cute! :)

The one on the left is actually the better looking of the two (according to Dr. B). I of course can tell you nothing about them because the embryologist was speaking Greek to me. It is odd to be handed a picture, given a description in medical jargon, and then asked "Do you have any questions??" You just want to say, "Of course I have questions but none of them will make me look educated or make up for the fact that I'm looking at my babies for the first time." What you really say is, "Nope."

So here's to hoping and praying for these guys to break out and stick. It is such a surreal experience to walk around knowing you really might be carrying around a kid (or kiddos). We can't wait to learn our results and share them with you!


H Noble said...

How exciting! :) Glad you are up and around, even if it was to clean up Woody's mess.

Rebekah said...

Hey Abs! It's so awesome to read all your updates. We've been in Colorado, and I couldn't wait to get back on here and read about everything. I am praying for you guys- and those 2 little cuties you've got growing in there! I'm so excited! Tell them "hi" and I love them from their Aunt Rebekah! I'll talk with you soon.
Love you!