Friday, June 13, 2008

Lucky Number 13

Everything went well yesterday. Even though I'm in more pain than I anticipated, we are excited and in awe at the results. I just got off the phone with the lab this morning. Yesterday, they were able to extract 32 eggs (thus the amount of pain) and they were able to fertilize 17. When they checked them this morning, 13 eggs had fertilized normally, 3 were abnormal and 1 did not fertilize. Yes, these are daunting numbers but we are very excited that the procedure went so well and we have great results. Definitely got our moneys worth yesterday! We will not talk to the lab again until Sunday morning and will be back at the hospital on Tuesday.

In the meantime please pray for the embryos to continue to divide and be successful, for us to make decisions pleasing to God, for the procedure Tuesday to go well, and for us to have embryos viable enough to be frozen so we don't have to do this again any time soon. As always, we thank you for walking this journey with us and will update you as we know more.


Anonymous said...

c'mon little Cramers! divide and prosper!

H Noble said...

I'm glad you are doing okay, and the results are wonderful so far! So nice to visit with you the other night, and am anxiously awaiting more results. Please call me if you need me- I'll be in Lubbock most of the day Saturday but will be back that night.