Lupron is evil. I'd forgotten just how much. If you want a good read just google it's side effects. Really it's not as bad for me as most people say but I really do dislike it. If I can get by with no hot flashes I'll take the few symptoms I am having. Just a few more weeks.
I've discovered that there are some things that are easier and some that are harder on this cycle. Easier, we have L so not everything rides on us being successful. Don't get me wrong, we really want it to work we just aren't consumed by it. Harder, we have L so things like shots at specific times are harder to remember. After missing a dose I finally had to cave and set a reminder on my phone. I never missed a shot in any of our other cycles so I did open my eyes to how much more relaxed I am overall.
We stop the pill tomorrow and anticipate starting our stim meds next week. Getting closer! We will be headed to TX in two weeks and are looking at three weeks till retrieval. Wow, we are really doing this!!
Finally, something that touched me today. I need to really remember this and put it to practice daily.
Thank you Lord for this journey. We trust in you and praise you for everyone who has supported us and loved us. We could not do it without you!
Abby, I will keep you and Joel in my prayers. I know that God has big plans for your life--with or without more children. I always admired your quiet way with your classes. They seemed to always feel your love and concern. I know you give that to lillian also.
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